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Welcome ...

Double E Ranch, formerly known as Erickson's Arabians and Miniatures, was formed in October, 2013 when Richard Erickson and Jacob Elliott were wed in Sacramento. 


We are located in West Milton, OH about twenty minutes from Dayton  Double E Ranch consists of twentyish miniature horses of varying colors, bloodlines, and personalities.  Our breeding program includes the traditional AMHA horse as well as Shetland blends and pony lines in AMHR and ASPC. We have enjoyed tremendous success in the show ring and in our breeding, as we strive for the best possible conformation and movement in our horses.



Before we met,  Richard was preparing to retire from the business. That never came to pass, as Jacob bought his first horse, a beautiful chestnut colt, aptly named Pistol for his explosive personality. After placing him into training, Jacob got the bug and began showing at halter and won several competitions with him and another of our stallions, Mac who has become one of the most famous miniature horses in the industry, especially with our friends the Paul and Ailene Tarap who bought him and have taken him to new heights! From that point, Jacob became addicted and has enjoyed much success showing both in halter and performance both with AMHA and AMHR.


Presently at Double E, we are focusing on breeding our triple registered driving stallion, Mountain Meadows Simply Sensational whom we co-own with Casey and Kelly Campbell.  Following an incredible debut as three-year old during which he was multi-national champion in pleasure driving as well as reserve GRAND stallion, "Sensa" returned to the ring in 2021 in style winning grands in pleasure driving "34-36," as well as his stakes class.  After standing at stud at Mountain Meadows, the place of his birth, Sensa went to the Bondes of South Dakota for the 2023 breeding season.  His foals should hit the ground there very soon! We have bred a few mares to him ourselves this summer.  Look for his get out in the ring in 2024!

2022 generated some unexpected and surprising results! Although we were not planning to attend AMHA worlds, we opted to follow up our successful national show by attending and showing four double E bred studs.  Each came away with at least one world championship.  Jacob enjoyed the surprise of his life by winning back to back world championships, one with Rebbie in Country Pleasure Driving, and the other with Monday (Sensa "Mini Me") in a large halter class - so exciting! Speaking of Monday, He is is now a Danish citizen and enjoying  his new home at Highlight Miniatures with our good friends Gitte and Katja Bager who love him intensely! At the time of this writing, Monday will go into training with Guy Verholst in Belgium. In 2024, our "Pretty Lady" gave us a lovely, tiny, and very animated filly by Monday.  In May, 2024, Foxy gave us a very beautiful chestnut pinto filly, that we call "Mysty."

Summer of 2024 has led us to a new chapter in the lives of Double E. We have relocated to Ohio in June! It is a beautiful place, and our horses are super happy here! In July, our lovely filly, Secret, whom our dearly departed brother, Raymond purchased won the title of GRAND Champion Mare, Over at the ASPC Pony Congress - so exciting!  As we prepare for AMHR Nationals, we have welcomed three new foals by Sensa, all of them full of personality and so beautiful!  Nationals was super fun this year and chill! Our two horses did great and our Nighty is now home, while Dusty has gone to Amber Kildow's for the 2025 show year.  Serenity or Sara as we call her is currently at Amber Kildow's getting bred to her famous stud "Mikey."  Heart is going to Amber's for the 2025 show year.

Jacob Elliott


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© 2024 Double E Ranch - Jacob and Richard Elliott - West Milton, OH

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